Voice Your Concerns and Suggestions to the Government of Chicago

The City of Chicago is committed to making its government accessible to all its citizens. The legislative process is regulated by the Illinois Revised Statutes, the Chicago Municipal Code, and the City Council Regulations. A document is drafted and submitted to the City Council, which is then assigned to a committee for review. After deliberations, the Committee will submit its recommendation to the plenary session of the City Council.

Changes and amendments can be made until their final consideration by the City Council. If approved, the legislation becomes law. Multinational companies and corporations are another set of actors that are highly influential in the political life of state and local governments. At the beginning of each term, the City Council elects one of its members as temporary president to preside over meetings of the Council in the absence of the mayor and adopts the parliamentary rules and regulations that govern its proceedings.

Open, non-partisan primary offices are also found in some state and local government elections. The institutional actors that participate in the public policy process are governments and government agencies that deal with public affairs, such as legislative bodies, executive departments, and the judiciary. Business interests represent one of the most important actors involved in formulating public policies in these governments. During the legislative process, documents may be modified or replaced before final consideration.

Citizens have several options to get involved in politics, such as through initiative and referendum processes or impeachment provisions. However, overall participation in the United States is lower than many other democracies, especially in recent years. The City of Chicago is a self-governing unit under the Illinois Constitution and is authorized to perform certain functions related to its government and affairs. For non-emergency issues related to gang or drug activity, criminal and prostitution activities, or problematic buildings in your neighborhood, visit Chicago Police Department's Community Concerns page.