What Challenges Does the Government of Chicago, Illinois Face Today?

Crime and violence are symptoms of deeper and often deep-seated challenges faced by communities, including limited economic opportunities and lack of social assistance. It is essential to understand that many of the ideas presented in this report will require the approval of legislation by the Illinois General Assembly and the governor. One of the most comprehensive, and probably the most controversial, laws enacted this year was the Illinois SAFE-T Act, a massive criminal justice reform package that updates the rules governing jail time awaiting trial and the use of force by police. In order to address these issues, the City has invested in summer employment opportunities, such as One Summer Chicago, mentoring programs such as Becoming a Man and Working on Womanhood, and reconnection centers for disconnected Chicago youth.

The Eno Center for Transportation has recommended that the Illinois legislature move towards consolidating Chicago-area transportation agencies in a way that maximizes benefits and minimizes risks. It is important to note that if accepted, many proposals may have to be implemented in stages due to the magnitude of the city's fiscal challenges. Resilient Chicago envisions a safer Chicago for its residents, focusing on initiatives that improve communication between government and residents, promote affordability, and increase access to jobs and mobility. To encourage Illinois residents to support the state economy, this law reduces vehicle registration rates for cars and small trucks if they are manufactured in Illinois. Days before the SAFE-T Act went into effect, a Kankakee County judge ruled that the part of the SAFE-T Act that ends cash bail in Illinois is unconstitutional. Chicago must continue to strengthen connections between residents, communities and local government.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) was able to generate support from a wide range of stakeholders through its dialogue with a public steering committee, its focus groups, its government councils and mayors, its elected and administrative leaders, and its collaboration with board members and transportation agency staff. Their experience and research informed a series of local civic, business, academic and labor leaders who helped guide the final report. This report will help Northeastern Illinois invest in a stronger and more financially secure transportation system. The Illinois state legislature recognizes that a strong transportation system is critical to the success of the Chicago region, its economy, its health and its environment. Therefore, ambitious and bold solutions are needed to ensure the financial viability of the system.

The government of Chicago faces numerous challenges today. From crime and violence to limited economic opportunities and lack of social assistance, there are many issues that need to be addressed. To tackle these issues head-on, the City has implemented various initiatives such as One Summer Chicago, Becoming a Man and Working on Womanhood mentoring programs as well as reconnection centers for disconnected youth. In addition, the Eno Center for Transportation has proposed consolidating Chicago-area transportation agencies in order to maximize benefits while minimizing risks.

The Illinois SAFE-T Act is another major criminal justice reform package that was enacted this year. This law reduces vehicle registration rates for cars and small trucks manufactured in Illinois in order to encourage residents to support the state economy. However, days before it went into effect, a Kankakee County judge ruled that one part of it - ending cash bail - was unconstitutional. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) has also been working hard to generate support from stakeholders through dialogue with public steering committees, focus groups, government councils and mayors as well as elected and administrative leaders.

This has resulted in a series of local civic, business, academic and labor leaders who have helped guide their final report. Finally, Northeastern Illinois is investing in a stronger transportation system which is essential for the success of the region's economy, health and environment. To ensure its financial viability ambitious solutions are needed which can only be achieved with support from both state legislature and governor.